Chapter 4 – a science

I like art, science, the nature of things. But, i’m not a lifelong practiced artist or scientist. The knowledge of the big ID is simply an illusion, which “time isn’t real” (my current favorite Grabbitz album title). Anyway, i’m going to simplify it down as much as i can muster in one sitting. The tricks of the trade, so to speak.

Below, displays the dichotomy of perception, the origin of (in this case light information), as perceived by the destination (the informed). I could go on about what it means, explain the detail, yet it speaks volumes about knowledge and how it doesn’t require any explanation to the known-er.

Science has issues, one of the foremost being that light is the speed limit of space, where as matter, the objects of a universe, are actually much “faster”. We typically define speed as something moving across a distance at a rate between 2 edges. How long it takes something to travel, but if we define mass (or any given object) as a wave, it’s actually moving so fast that it has it’s own edge. That edge is what gives like “moving” objects that sticky quality, ergo gravity. One example is entanglement, practically perfectly entangled objects are so sticky, that a state change, at any distance is nearly null (think distance from edge to edge from inside a black hole). Another good judge of this is the dissolution of a defined edge is, solid to liquid to gas, brought on by that relatively slow moving deal breaker we call light. The null, in the mentioned, above is space, or the absence of movement (or, well, any “thing”). And, we also know what happens when we pack a bunch of stuff into a tightly defined space, we get red hot baby. Inversely, the tighter we go, things get so sticky that the distance from edge to edge becomes no distance at all.

This writing, as i’ve mentioned, isn’t going to dive into the details, we can leave that for people that like to write a lot of words and propagate imagery.

Yet, this old timely symbol tell us the story. The edge is an object boundary, the swoosh-y separation is the reflective nature of the wave, the light and dark, inverse properties of said reflection. The dots represent time and perception, those often misleading anomalies of an actual thing that forever chases starts and stops, all neatly tucked up in object permanence. That last bit sounds confusing, but the crux of perception and time for that matter, is it’s never 100% true, “absolute”. Fun with Science, Art and Words!

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