a double slit propaganda

Light is an immediate propagator, the experienced measure of light is in relation to the rate of the measurer/observer, therefore time. Pure energy is in reality 1, colorless. Light’s energy in its propagation lowers as it diffuses via duplication. Focusing light via reflection intensifies at is beam center, combined energy. The confusion comes when you try a measurement.

It’s funny that we need more proof of what’s happening. We simply cannot accept that an otherwise simple observation affects the narrative. Einstein didn’t come up with the theory of relativity, it was imagined through him, he was able to receive the vision. Theories propagate as viruses, if they imbue the minds of the masses as it becomes the narrative. We deeply believe we are uncovering the mysteries of the universe, as if the universe contains some mystery beyond our scope of understanding. Spoiler, it doesn’t.

I’m not attempting to prove anything wrong (that’s absurd), i’m simply expressing an existence as a duality that can only every be one, where anything outside of 0<=>1 is lost. I can draw diagrams all day…

information lost

I think the general consensus is that things like energy (or information) cannot be created or lost is a misnomer. Losing a specificity is gaining a generality. It can look and be experienced in any sort of way.

always never actually born

Regardless what you think of yourself, you are not exclusively an entity, it’s simply not possible to be. If there are spaces to fill, they will be filled, an eternal paradox. Being human isn’t some special trait outside the entire narrative of traits. Being has no other avenue than to reach creation, whether human or something else and it’s always now. You can never waste time, nor can you ever own time, as you imagine time as a progressed moment, it’s always now. We, all things, all experiences, all knowings are this.

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