a when you just know

I’ve gone on at length to mention this before that; nothing anyone has ever written (read: created), or could write, is from a privileged or special perspective. Words are tools of expression, across time, and is a relative to existence; all being, all self, is a tool of creation, without equal. I’m quite certain, what you will imagine reading this, cannot be duplicated, quite the same as this writer imagines. That particular nugget is an absolutely vital understanding to the shear idea that there are ever independent things, people anywhere or that there is actually anywhere to put them other than here, right now.

Red car syndrome (Baader-Meinhof)

Frequency illusion is a fun one to ponder. For example, right now the generally accepted narrative is that science (and by its extension, math) is true, and quite objectively, a singular creator is false (i.e. God, Allah, Zeus, pick a deity). But, through the written word paradox, we can basically understand that there were various times in the past that we believed the earth was the center of the universe, as well as various others things. We still, till this moment, believe if it’s repeatable, if it appears consistent and predictable, that it’s factually true. For example trees are trees, yet at closer examination, they aren’t the same trees, even among the same family (a duality as a general and specific examination). I’m not interested in giving you a solution here, i’m not even trying to answer a question, just presenting you with what is already and always the case. That of which you can easily ponder, you know, in your spare time.

Creation is a paradox, but it’s all we’ve got

In a similar fashion as above, if i told you; well trees are also goats, you would likely say that’s not true! Yet, if i expound that all things are, stardust or atoms or pick your tiny poison, therefore trees are in fact goats when they are viewed really small, you might change your mindset. In similar concept, small stuff makes up everything is basically an excepted narrative, small things make up big things, it all makes sense! This problem with that is, it breaks down when you try to figure out what makes up small (or the smallest) things. I know this is very laymen of me, sure, but we’ve done the math already and just to be fair here, math isn’t a special thing that exists as some independent reality, even though a mathematician might tell you otherwise.

Here’s hoping you’re enjoying your beverage of choice and can ponder on, you might even create something today!

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