adichotomy adichotomy adichotomy
always between here and there
always between here and there
always between here and there

An Introduction

If you can unpack any of this, these writings, you can peer into existence, just a glimpse where you aren’t in the way. A glimpse of which “everything makes sense” and “feels certain”.
You can consider this a challenge.

-Jason Lee

The free book (updated often)

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 a division into two especially mutually exclusive or contradictory groups or entities


singularity of all divisions, not exclusively contradictory or in opposition of which it has been divided, without equal; this now, eternally

These writing’s are here to review the experience of plurality, to help explain what is continually unexplainable and why there is just so much stuff to experience. I’m not writing this to propose that anything should be modified in order to improve the essence of being, of you, your ideals or your relationships to anything. I will attempt to keep things simple and relatable, but your experience will, in fact, differ. So, i would hope that you embrace that knowing what was, what is to come and what has always been is indeed one.

Things to consider

  • There has never been separate stuff out there in relation to being.
  • The essential “you” can never add or remove anything from being.
  • Being isn’t a noun, it doesn’t exists as some alternative, person, place or thing.
  • The idea that “all is illusion” (if you’ve thought “The Matrix” as an example), derives from the fact that no independent “thing” exists, anywhere, at anytime, in anyplace.

An Irony

While not completely lost to irony, these writing’s are, in fact, separated out, simply as an act of convenience for how we general intuit information, in pieces. Please don’t be alarmed!

An Exercise

If you can, close your eyes and imagine a thing, really anything that comes into mind and simply realize that you have now “experienced” that thing. If you can do that, regardless of any narrative you might use to explain the “experience of the thing”, that is how you can understand that there actually is no separation between the imagined and the actual. What should be important to note, no matter what thing you’ve envisioned, it’s past experience or any of it’s future experience will indeed only be partially or fully unique.

Reflection of the thing, in past tense is always and eternally occurring now and that now is actually never in perfect duplicity, even though we actually imagine it to be so, or at the very least expect the same, if not exact results. There is no perfect duplicity to be found, it’s only the general sense that expels what we perceive to be true and real. Yet, at closer examination, it falls away, to some other sort of experience.

An Intention

My personal intention isn’t particularly consistent. If you ask me at any given moment why i might want to write this, i would have to say that “it varies without dependency”. While that might seem wishy/washy, we are continuously variable variations of our conceptual former selves. I cannot fathom an existence of a solidly existing self that doesn’t sway and is invulnerable. It’s only being that has no “other way”, defiantly real, ineffable, and always the case. If you can, even for an instant, perceive “all is one”, there will never be another way. Just understand, as a presence, you can’t actually live there (not even in death of a physical presence) or they’ll stick you in the nut house.

A Note

I think it’s generally useful when incorporating ways of thinking and postulating stuff, that you sort of need to take whatever your feelings are about the thoughts and actions out of the process. The ability to decide (let go) of the self-ness, maintains the idea of the separations we always experience and channels it to the whole of the experience, not just exclusively the individually focused narrative. We tend to “own” our thoughts and feelings, so much so, that we also tend to be realized as these independent creatures that make decisions and create our own realities, yet unfortunately that paradox of the whole in contrast to the one gets in the way.

I’m sure you know the word and idea behind ego (or an id), that’s a pesky reaffirmation that how you think impacts your reality and in conflict to the whole “it”. This is how/why basic suffering (anger, fear, hate and disassociation or loneliness) become paramount. Sadly, if you actually spend time thinking about what you’d like your life to look like and you have no examples to decide from, that is the essence of creation, the essence of being (the blank slate, if you will), which we are all on equal footing, awash with it, eternally.

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