a body

I’ve been inundated with the discussion of the body. How is it that we know about all these features of the mechanics of biological functions, the brain, heart, liver, etc.? We see them, experience them, get sick and loose function. Nothing about this, these writings addresses why biological, why chemical and so on. How one person can get sick, die and another survive, it has to be individual experiences, exposures, impacts.

There is no preamble here, biological mechanics can and do come in all sorts of flavors and reactions, just like suns, planets, moons have very different make-ups, reactions, sizes and so on. Yet, there is no case of independence to be found, not in the small nor the large. There simply are not things that aren’t a production of other things, over time, in a space, with structure. There are structure that have little impact on other structures and others that have sweeping impact on many structures. Humans cannot live without a working heart, for example. The independence falls away on that basic truth alone and being is, in fact, not just the body.

You can further imagine it like this. If you thought, at some point, the universe could be The Matrix (a computer generated simulation) then you still must include all systems that support that function, including the makers of such computers and their makers and so on. You can simply insert body biology, instead of The Matrix, and examine these seemingly individual things with the same result. The complexity of such seemingly individual functions, not as an aside, to be put over there and address later. We create computers, but we do not control them, we don’t control the processes that define the function, nothing does, not even a God-Head.

The goals of these writings have always been, in-line with the idea that reality, things that exist of it and the beings that are imbued by it are perfectly as they are, full stop. That an ego mind is a necessary mechanic of survival, but when unchained and running free from survival mode, it’s important to discard the notion of it’s up front importance, when examining reality, problem solving and therefore creation.

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