Understanding – An Infinite/Finite Paradox

Regardless of knowledge, the understanding of reality has been around literally forever. Even as a child is born, practically born anew. We generally acknowledge that the child is a clean slate, yet as a parent we know that each child is intrinsically unique, it reacts and manifest behaviors in uniquely different ways from not only the parents but the siblings, this is even so among nearly identical divisions, like twins, triplets and so forth.

While it’s generally accepted among the spiritual minded, it’s a scientific implausibility when one does the math, since it’s assumed two or more things are in fact identical, full stop. This transcends across the spectrum of logical thought, if this, then it must be that. The idea that suns/star are in fact the same, or at least of the same stuff, and almost equally so (except in scale), the small things, like atoms. A hydrogen atom, is in fact a hydrogen atom to most scientists and the idea of which each one is actually unique is preposterous. While it seems ultimately impossible that two particles are naturally not identical, simply as they weigh alike, act similarly, perform similar functions and so on, but just like our twin births, under scrutiny are significantly different, even if immeasurably subtle. I’ve mentioned, perfect duplicity and how that is, in fact, the impossibility in which scientists overlook. There simply is not, in anyway perfect duplicity, anywhere at any time, by any means. An identical particle, wave or function that takes up the same space at the same time of measure, is with definite certainty one. Once divided, all bets are off.

Part of the boundary of this misunderstanding is the extremely desperate desire to manifest directly, to control the entirety of things, to predict with precision, so that we may counter and endure. All that in the pretense to avoid the nasty stuff, death, loss, anger, war, etc. You get the gist, maybe. But that is, the ultimate illusion, everything is, quite so, impermanently/permanent. Things transition, simply as if, moment to moment.

I was going to actually do the math here, explain things in linear and circular numbers and random repeats of numbers (a similar, yet not identical system of counting things, ironically). But, I’ll leave that for those that really want to confirm and perform more tests.

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