a come to reality – for science!

It’s time, ironically, for science to finally come to terms with the actualistic nature of reality. I say ironically, since time is no more a real thing than the planet we cohabitate, there is no reversal, nor progression of anything. It’s not a rule, it’s at best a fact and at worst, a disappointment. Disappointment in the same way an atheist comes to terms with the lack of indelible meaning as in a specific creator. It might seem unfortunate, but nothing has ever changed about it, from birth to death, everything is bar none, transient.

There is a general acceptance of things as relative, much in the same manner as we think of kin, direct 1-step away from origin as transcendence, my child after, my parents before. There is no other type of view, everything you can and will ever interpret, interact with and explain, has no independent other. And, now, you’re immediately confused. Where is all this coming from? It’s simple really, when it is said there is no other, that includes beginnings without endings and neither are independently occurring phenomena.

This obvious paradox includes answer to things like what space is, as the antithesis to finite objects which seemingly occupy space independently. One doesn’t beget the other, one is the other, a reflection, impossibly inseparable. If you’d like to imagine what time is, it’s best to think of as, what is between reflections (reactions).

What this means is statements like: the virtual world isn’t the actual world, as fact are rendered redundant. The virtual world is a transcendence of the actual world, just a step away from now, at the heals of this present and too far from the solidity of its grasp as a past. You can think of it like this, the virtual world leaves no footprints, like that actual feet of the now, which is always 1-step away.

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