a spiritual as a process of reality

In a reality as a process of spirit I talked about this common theme and as part of this commonality, reality doesn’t baulk, it is exactly what it is, all the time. Under duress, under the influence or otherwise disjointed through disease, reality stays exactly the same. So in order to really get into the weeds of dissection for the real, you certainly need to assume that the examiner be in a position where those things aren’t perturbing such examinations. The practice of meditation, without the caveat that reality might be something else (a spiritual plane, some other uncommon-unimagined thing) exposes spiritually for what it is. A disembodied memory, even more prone to dissolution the moment it’s examined.

But does it make money?

We often sell each other stuff with promises of potential outcomes (fitness-memory, enhancers, cure-alls) but nothing real is a miracle cure and without caveats. If someone is good at selling an experience without proof of concept, it’s definitely not something you need. If you enjoy a specific type of entertainment as a diversion, that’s fine, spend your money there, take up a hobby, play video games, etc. But, none of it will get you closer to reality. We sell the imagined, as if it’s something else, movies, tv, comics, romance, etc. yet it’s not, when you walk away you’re still you and this is still this. The fantasy dissolves as easily as the money you spent to get “some other” experience.

There’s nothing wrong here

This isn’t written to shit on economics, we’ve intentionally created (yes created) a system to distribute work so an individual doesn’t have to destroy their health just to survive, which includes all of our technological advances but, it in turn, didn’t solve our problem with loss and greed, as if the one that dies with the most stuff wins scenario. We should be using ways to quell the disease of amassing wealth, while people go cold and hungry, simple as there is no independent other that doesn’t impact you ultimately, no matter how much money you have. Wealth is not a cure-all and being spiritual doesn’t make you more privileged.

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