children's learning tool. an image depicting a cow and a pig with the numbers 1 and 2. Plus a little shooting start in the lower left corner.

a...and uh 1... and uh 2

Jan 13, 2025

All the writings on this journey attempt to exude simple language to invoke difficult concepts. The division and categorization of language, be it in scientific or in social aspects of conversation is the process of creation, it doesn't exist somewhere else, it's isn't born of some singularity (outside of now), nor is it predetermined without a future case. You won't catch consciousness here.

So what are the rules of adichotomy of reality:
  • there are no independent individuals (not even you)
  • there are no perfect duplicates (only this transference to that)
  • there is no independent past or future (only now)
  • this isn't nihilism, nothing doesn't exist independently either
  • if there is no caveat, it's an imagined version of the truth (doesn't met others expectations)
  • if it's too good to be true, it isn't true

I realize that the above sounds like a lot of "Nots", but if you examine them closely, you'll find "the rest".