a center as creation
It’s a common misnomer that reality has had, or could have had a creation moment. A point in space where time has kicked off, or an equally odd, independent creator. If you have a moment of clarity, the conscious moment, where distinction falls away, where the center is all that remains, that realization expressing where/when all sources come from and go to, a contiguous moment, eternal.
It’s also common that a person can spend a large amount of time and effort learning all sorts of things, specific mechanics about reality (sciences*), that if they experience this rare conscious moment, they quite often go mad over the indistinct parabole. That distinction disillusion after all the stuff they’ve learned in contrast (if x, then never y), can be a catastrophic event and the system of all events are all-the-sudden somehow invalid, that reality is no longer real, they’ve been lied to.
If you happen to consider yourself a math genius, numbers become dilute as they fall away, they become mere descriptor's of reality and not the single, independent thing that makes the real-real. It can be brutal, as well as illuminating.
This happens across all distinctions, sciences, linguistics, senses, the mechanics of it all. It’s the reset button of being, the sleeping while awake moment, this enlightenment. Yet, it doesn’t make you, something else, it doesn’t give you glowing eyes, an ability to float, or some other such non-sense. It’s a grounding moment where the center is all that remains among the chaos, seeing the real for exactly what it is, a duality and not exclusively a binary (of numeric representation). Some describe it as a non-dual experience or a spiritual awakening, yet if it comes for you and it remains the unconscious contiguous reality it always was, you simply see things as experience and understanding as the common theme of life, of creation.