a wave structure extolling the nature of solids and liquids as embraced with gases throughout space and time.

a consistency

Dec 8, 2024

All of these writings are an examination of experience, the experience of reading and dissecting information gleaned through experimentation, the experience of mediation practice, of social interactions and reflective political disassociation. All of it with the purpose of understanding all cross-sections of information.

There is only a single aspect that can be deemed consistent, duality. A center unmoving and continuously yielding to perpetual change. Our ideologies are in constant flux, catering to whatever niche we need to fit into through surrounding phenomena, as our physical aspect is ever racing to catch-up.

There is no location this occurs, no individual that subsist independently from any other, as all locations, structure and ideologies are occurring, real-time, all-the-time, eternally. There is no stop-start to this. If there were, we couldn't notice, nor would there exist any equipment that could record it. Being, including all measurable phenomena is dual, if only ever through inference.

Yes, we are, indelibly humans living in a goldilocks zoned planet in a solar system that has protected evolution of complex structure of a certain, examinable nature, protected from extermination events for a blink of an eternal eye. Of which you can be 100% certain we are not individuals, independent from the entirety of reality. That this occurrence is common and mundane.

There is no (read 0) creator or creation event that kicked off this duality, not because reality isn't also cyclical, but because it's clearly contiguous. The heart of every examinable structure, then entirety of all structure except what it is lacking upon examination.

The true Tao cannot be known as it is the container for and contents of all knowing, without equal, without other. It doesn't get any truthier then this.