a duality -"this old chestnut"
There is and actually has always been a stable idea that, if reality is a certain way, like the theory of relativity, it is and has always been that way. Some insights might be:
- If gravity were very slightly different, nothing could form
- If reality were any other way at all, there would be no us to imagine it some other way
- I think therefore I am
To understand the illusionary nature of reality, there is something you must accept. Whatever your view is, no matter how you feel about it, it's always been this way. Some popular beliefs of what reality could ultimately be:
- if all of reality were a computer simulation (don't worry, it's not) you would have to accept it
- if all reality was an aspect of a god as a creation story (again, it's not, no eternal wrath will besiege you for thinking any sort of way), you would have to accept it
- if all of reality is negentropy -> entropy (a big bang that ultimately fades into entropy), you would have to accept it
- if there are other universes that explain this one (the one we just so happen to be in), you would have to accept it
There are infinitely more options, we could write forever about, all subtly versions of the other. All some other set of the above. But as a duality, that's basically how it goes, an aspect of futility spurs continuity. The entirety of the universe (of reality) isn't a place to go, but all places of coming and going.