quick painting of a woman pondering the vastness of existence by the ocean

a - it's not what you think

Nov 16, 2024

There is a grand misnomer (illusion) that thoughts develop existence. That because of how you think, you can (by thought alone) manifest a certain reality. Conjuring, manifesting, through chants or rituals, does not make anything more real, or bring anything to being. The word consciousness get's use, a lot, in that by way of realization, you come to terms with, it's all consciousness. This isn't any more useful than saying it's all dual, or a duality. Anyone can and do use general terms to describe this existence, but words and selves using words would never be able to incorporate this existence. This existence is ineffable, which is all variations of words, appearances, feelings, descriptions, etc. It's this understanding, that there is and has never been anything apart (set aside, separate from) any perceptual experience, of which one could grasp, manipulate or otherwise exhibit what this existence is.

The guru, one that which understands this deeply, doesn't try to persuade the other into understanding (my intent in writing all this, is this) as the other is also this, and learning anything new (to them), is still and has always been the cycle for existence and was never something that could be singled out. Here are some statements:

  • A grand misnomer is persistence, something is "more true" if it lasts, is seen for what it is. Face value persistence.
  • A grand misnomer is confirmation, if another can confirm it, it's "more true", is seen for what it is. Face value confirmation.
  • A grand misnomer is appearance, is something looks (or acts) a certain way, it's "more real", is seen for what it is. Face value appearance.
  • A grand misnomer is i think therefore i am, because i exist and can think, i am "more true" than anything else, is seen for what it is. Face value importance.

If you can feel the mental gymnastics at play here, that's good. Critical thinking won't only serve you, but everyone you cross paths with. There is no "true me" or "true other" that isn't this.