an i've heard this before (Déjà vu)
This site is designed as short jaunts through different types of word salad to explain, the unexplainable. This isn't mysticism, it's not meant to train you in the ways of the spirit, or impart any wisdom, if you've read much of this site's words, you've heard this before.
For a scientific mind, a hypothesis is the spark of an idea about how to describe a specific phenomena. What is - something. It's examined -> Compared with other phenomena -> A testing mechanism is designed to support -> A result is achieved -> A theory developed -> If results are repeatable -> Adopt to confirmed theory. These are very general steps to what science would deem as true (or false). You've heard this before.
We can go on about how this process is inventive, how it's inspires growth in knowledge and creates new formulas for and about information and how this system is often cyclical (turns in to itself), which includes it's caveats. You may not have heard this before.
The caveat (the no escape clause), that is pervasive across eternity, is there is no way to escape this duality, that all knowledge, with time, turns on itself (entropy). That science and the pursuit of knowledge is the process of creation (and destruction) and no individual exists outside of it, to dissect it or build tests and theories to prove it is - something else. You've probably not heard this before.