Chapter 5 - a truth
If you haven’t noticed, in these writings i’ve started each chapter using “a”. It’s kind of annoying and a bit boring detail, but an important one, if we want to talk about reality using language designed in a way that invokes knowledge (a dualistic expression) of what is essentially, itself. Using “a” is about as minimal a start as i could ponder.
It probably sounds trite, this repeat, but what i’ve spoken to up till now and onward, is this repeat and in all it’s complexity, a truth.
In Chapter 4, i presented a theory, it’s just a theory, yet it encapsulates the presentation of what we believe is science. A foundational concept that everything is/does/has. A breakdown of stuff that become rules, that in turn become facts. That isn’t reality in it’s entirety, it’s not even a subset.
The thing about truth (i.e. science) is that you don’t have to believe anything about it, you can believe in magic fairy dust as a foundational rule of all physics, logic, reasoning, etc. Reality doesn’t extol it’s presence for individual beliefs, yet everything about it, encapsulates it perfectly.
If you base your life on a knowing that there can only ever be one truth, be it science, religion, philosophy, nature, politics, etc. You’re missing a truth entirely. But that’s ok, you don’t get to know a truth, as everything about knowledge is a contained subset, for lack of better words.
Wrapped up in everything you can point to, is something you cannot. A dichotomy.