of human nature and fantasy

The progress of humanity is undeniable, as a species, we’ve made tremendous progress in our ability to survive on this planet with all its abundance. Its protectors (Jupiter, Saturn, our Moon, etc) have held our growth in stead for long enough to be able to actually exit our stratosphere and explore. And, while one could argue (and many certainly do) that it’s of a grand design envisioned by a creator that we have been able to get through the chaos of the universe, mostly insulated/isolated, it’s clearly not of great importance that we do make such claims. Nor has any being (super or otherwise) come along to check on our progress and let us know anything particularly useful, at least not directly.

a god of another era

It has been pretty powerful to believe in fantasy. The act of believe actually keeps us going, keeps us dreaming. It’s an extremely vital aspect of being. But, it’s also not without its caveats and when untethered from critical thinking becomes extremely destructive. This is deeply where you can find the truest, most pure essence of being, this crossroad of logic and playful imagination. Unfortunately, our vision of such things are clouded (quite literally) from view when we examine them from a self-awareness (an ego) that needs to derive power from another, whether that be a supreme being or your run of the mill traveling super-being that somehow posses a knowing far beyond ours. It’s even permeated our ability to decide among leadership in our own family of genome related humans. Clouded and uncertain.

what saves the day

I’ve not maintained a belief system, that may be hard to comprehend, but i’ve also been at odds with any solidly existing “truth” that would be found in any individual. I know, quite clearly that other humans do this as well, they simply find nothing of value in a “sky daddy”. They have long lost (or never knew/wanted/cared for) some other presence that is all powerful to train their minds and imbue their spirit with knowledge on how to live and then extoll this knowledge to the rest. If you’re confused, read that again. In other words, there is no fantastical, independent other, not of gods nor men.

Generally being a nonbeliever, i also not interested in selling you anything and i’m certainly not looking for your help, to fix me. I don’t get starstruck, yet i appreciate abilities that i cannot invoke, even moment to moment. I also appreciate the effort, in people, in plants, in the universe, to maintain this self-awareness. It’s a mesmerizing play of experiences, no more, no less, to me. But enough about this guy.

So, what saves the day? You can and do, quite definitely, pick and choose the characteristics of another, you can observer all around you, how to act and react, how to function, what feels good and right to you. The treat others as you would want to be treated isn’t just a saying, it’s a normal/natural course of life. If you invoke that in your mindset, regularly; you do in fact, slowly become the person you often so fantasizing about. This is the true value in being.

what to put aside

It’s important to note that there is no other, and in turn no self, there is no permanent, ineffable being of which to model some behavior, it’s effervescent and malleable. If you want to begin a slightly altered journey of what some call enlightenment, you have to ditch the notion that you are somehow in fact a (non-relative) being. You have to ditch the concept of the fam, the brotherhood, the other people that aren’t you but are also at odds because they don’t persist in your clique. That, while also noticing the absolute worst thing we can do to each other is banish and isolate. To outcast an individual from the whole, to dissolve on their own. Prisons aren’t popular because we love them so much, they are popular because they are an effective deterrent for those that would think they somehow exist independently, the narcissist, the egomaniacs of our troubled humanity. Shunning is vastly more powerful than death, as it’s something you can directly experience and lay witness. Trauma is directly related to being unwanted and uncared for and is deeply emboldened by physical abuses and misunderstandings.

lay down your arms

There is no intrinsic value in efficient death among species, while you may be afraid to die, you can generally assume that it’s an end, an end of you. But, it absolutely doesn’t end the dichotomy, there will always be conflict and ultimately resolution.

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