a binary reality.q&a

I’ve been around for near 54 years and of those years I’ve examined reality as if it was an independent thing, as a something that persists outside of human understanding (or a creation of *fill in your favorite narrative here*). Through physical hands-on experimentation to mathematics, mental philosophies and across theories and theologies, I’ve pined to understand what reality is and by proxy, what it is not. From all that experiential data I can assure you of two things:

  • Reality is not disjointed (split up, divided or in anyway merely subjective)
  • Reality, the experience, is dual and by proxy, only one thing at it’s core (not-two or nondual)

Much like red car syndrome (Baader-Meinhof phenomenon) once you see reality in such a way, there’s no going back and in reality, there is no actually need for it to be anything else (backward or forward). Unlike red car syndrome however, it’s not just red cars and repeating patterns.

Below is a Question and Answer I’ve pushed out into social media for a response and here are some of the messaged questions that seem cornerstone to the intrinsic nature of reality, especially it’s social beliefs, from a human perspective (there’s a lot more Q’s, most are just a bunch of expletives and gibberish to me and don’t seem particularly useful). As a pre-amble, I have no intention of usurping anyones beliefs and this isn’t a pay to play scenario, you don’t win the game of life because you have something more to offer (monetarily or otherwise). Nothing about these writings can be truly my own, but subsist as a process of study, getting to the nitty-gritty, finer points of being human and in turn as a manifestation of yet another process of creation.

a q&a

You seem hell-bent on this idea of reality being the way you want to see it, how is this not just another… Why don’t you see it my way story?

It is actually just another story. I’ve often reflected on the idea of preference. So if you’re asking if I prefer reality to look a certain way then no. I don’t lay awake at night (anymore) trying to force “my reality” into some preferred pattern. I don’t prescribe to the need of saying “it’s my way or the highway”. But, I do see the subtly distinction between a one and another interpretation. Nothing about the “world would be a better place, if only” statement rings true to me, “it is what it is”, in any given moment. I still get pissed off at the lack of acknowledgment of others though, that whole “it’s my world and you’re just in it” mentality irks me to no end and I reflect that as such. Also pushing the boundaries of being “above the law” because I can get away with it, is actually just an inability to see things as they are and not “as I want them to be”.

How if anything has this conceptualization of things improved your life?

I actually don’t prescribe to the “improvement of life as a whole”, it’s actually fine as is, not so much for humans specifically, but it’s drastically better for us through collaboration (think: insulating homes as an example of improvement). I do have very specific irks and ires, but they are founded on observations and they are reflected as such. One particular irk of not just mine, and by-proxy the continuous vast majority of other humans is; conflict without near immediate resolution (read: war). This scenario is very much just another aspect of reality though, but it’s seen as transient, “this too shall pass”, it has no other choice, only the opportunity of change. While I still enjoy a good meal of plant and animal products, I’m not interested in slaughtering humans for resources (or worse, beliefs), there’s always a place in which to compromise/collaborate on solutions. It’s all part of that “top of the food chain” responsibility practice that humans love to go on about, for good reason. I’m all for lab generated meat, as an example.

Why do you hate money so much?

I actually don’t hate the idea of monetary exchange, it’s extremely convenient to exchange goods and services for a generally valued product. What I do loath (which is actually extremely natural to loath) is hoarding resources as if it’s some ultra apex of mankind. In “nature” as observed, if a monkey was found hoarding bananas, it would, more often than not, be seen as a sickness and would appropriately be ousted from the group, if not outright killed for such behavior. We see this in humanity as well (think: eat the rich, war, etc.). It’s actually a pretty cool little tidbit of “the examination of nature” and one we’d be wise not to neglect.

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  • a random tangent - adichotomy :

    […] instant, yet variable determination of its true nature. I had a question poised to me from a “q and a post” that I asked for out at random, through the interwebs, and while I’m not an authority […]

    9 months ago

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