a god

I’ve taken a break from writing lately due to the holidays, but it’s basically relevant to discuss a god figure around the holidays and Christmas is a big one.

As in due fashion, among all these writings, I will specify that there is absolutely no separately independent being anywhere in the examinable reality. The excuse that a god (of any sort) exists outside of human and ergo it’s manufactured measure (gaseous, signaling, infrared, sound, etc.) is a belief. While beliefs are important to examine things and make assumptions about them, that’s where the road ends, so to speak.

Humanity often feels a desire to invoke a creator, since they feel a need to endure meaning. I use endure, since we humans endure our lives in some complex ways of feeling. The why should I do something (anything) when life is ultimately meaningless, comes to mind often. Yet, we don’t do things in the independent self narrative we tend to see in others (including inert things). The only thing that separates you from anything is the space between, and that shit is everywhere and has property(s). At best, as humans, we have reflection, a sense of certainty, and ultimately an incorporation of information that can be confirmed by another rational being. There’s value in ritual, mediation (just being with thoughts) as well as confirmation bias projected by others as those processes mold our relative reality. We’ve always been this, there is no other way.

As with all things, as this process, a creation event is not only improbable, but likely impossible, since all events are congruent and seamless. I’ve written about time (how we perceive things as independent cause and effect), and how it’s actually not that cut and dry, since all causes and effects are happening always in various states in infinite combinations, including beginnings and endings. If you can imagine a coin flip outcome, you can imagine as many coin flip outcomes and feel this as what’s always occurring, no creator necessary.

I will give it to the writers of these holy books, they have a hook and filled a need for what was typically a bleak existence. But, humans mental acuity has outpaced that narrative (at least for now) and god is dead.

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