A yet another Q & A – Existence

As I peruse and respond to post on socials, it’s a constant reminder that this idealized human intellect refuses to acknowledge the truism of existence. I’ve had several inquiries and plenty of flat out angry disbelieving responses to what I’ve spent some time documenting on this tiny corner of the inter-webs. To understand, there is no love lost here or there, is an understatement. You do you, as you always have, just as I do. There is no way in which doing anything else holds more meaning or value.

No perfect duplicity

If you were to assign a value as to what anyone could consider to be a perfect duplicity, one that takes up the same space at the same time using the same stuff, that value would be 0.

Space isn’t a place

There is talk about space (or space-time if you dig Einstein) and it’s often described as a place to go, that requires room in which to expand (or contract). I won’t go into the obnoxious amount of stuff we can say about this statement. Just sit with it, if it moves you to.

There is no you

Through all the doings you do, the feelings, emotions and witnessing that you find absolutely occur to you, around you, inside you, there is no one “there”. This incudes imagined gods that reign supreme and those that assume there must be a creation event to log for the books.

Reality is a duality (inferred)

Many assume, incorrectly, that a duality means 2 equal parts that are in opposition. That’s only half of it, so to speak. This circular reality is heir apparent, it’s written in the stars and throughout every ordinary object, large and small. Yet they aren’t perfectly symmetrical and don’t have any requirements of which they must contain an equality of some thing(s).

Written in neti-neti

I try not to do this often, since generally people have adopted concepts that seem at odds with “this” anyway, but speaking in terms of what things “are not” helps guide the notion of the dichotomy of what we are required to think reality is and what it is not, as the thought itself is also dual. The snake that eats its own tail, is also the snake that doesn’t.

But, I’ve worked so hard to learn (whatever)

That’s 100% fine, you feel invested, you feel it’s yours and that there is some other way you could have invested your time, there isn’t. To go back and try again is always now, it’s always everywhere at all moments, your investment is a contiguous creation event, even as entropy (when you’re just “so done” with it all).

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